

The College and Discipleship Stage Formation Program of the Seminary of Our Lady of Providence is a spiritual, human, intellectual, and pastoral formation process designed to prepare both college students and college graduates for admission to a major seminary in preparation for future priestly ministry.

The program fosters the candidate’s Christian development and seeks to enhance his Catholic identity as he journeys to the priesthood. Its focus is primarily propaedeutic, i.e., preparatory and introductory. As such, it aims to help candidates to reach the stage of readiness – personally, spiritually, academically, and pastorally – to enter into priestly formation at the theologate level.

Seminaries are to be a continuation in the Church of the apostolic community gathered around Jesus. This basic organizing principle means the seminary is first and foremost a learning community of the disciples of Jesus. At the same time, the seminary is a community of charity and friendship, where fraternal bonds are anchored in genuine relationships to the Lord and his Body, the Church. Finally, the seminary is a worshipping and praying community that finds its source and summit in the celebration of the Eucharist.
— USCCB, Program of Priestly Formation, #290